Husqvarna 215iL Grass Trimmer/215iHD45 Hedge Trimmer kit


Kit consisting of Husqvarna 215iL trimmer and 215iHD45 hedge trimmer. A lightweight, comfortable and easy to use battery trimmer for trimming lawn edges or small areas of higher grass. The battery 215iHD45 hedge trimmer is lightweight, easy to use and handle – and quiet enough for seasonal use in residential areas.

Included in kit:

Battery: 40-B70(2AH,36V,0.8KG)

Charger: 40-C80


Choose savE for maximum runtime.

Brushless motor
High torque to weight ratio for increased efficiency, increased reliability, reduced noise and longer product-life.

One battery fits all
The 36V Li-ion battery pack is designed for demanding, long lasting professional use. It fits all our handheld machines, which allows you to quickly switch the same battery between a trimmer, blower, chainsaw and hedge trimmer and keep working.

Quiet operation
The low noise provides a comfortable work situation and low disturbance for others.

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215iL/115iHD45 kit
Art no: 970 53 61‑01
Battery 40-B70
Battery charger 40-C80
Harness Not included

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